About Me

Thank you for stopping by to learn a little about me.
Age doesn’t define me. I will be forever young… at least at heart. Physically… well, some days my body disagrees. I am a firm believer that age is not a restriction to learning and taking a chance at doing something outside your comfort zone.
My life has included many changes from a lot of moves and various working situations. I have been a mediocre waitress, owned a coffee shop, worked as a legal secretary, acted as a receptionist in an accounting firm, and volunteered with several community organizations.
As my husband likes to tease me, it took me three decades to finally finish my college degree. Partly because we moved around a lot as he established his accounting career. Partly because I changed my major every time I started back to college. I finally graduated with a B.S. degree in gerontology from Wichita State University, which started my enjoyment of working with older adults. In truth, I am one of those “older adults” now.
I worked for a senior services organization, where I still do volunteer work. I love teaching and working with senior adults as they have fun with writing. They touch my heart.
I love to travel and do so whenever possible, to wherever my interest is at that moment. Not letting age get in my way, I have tested the boundaries of my physical capabilities on those travels by hot air ballooning, kayaking, deep-sea fishing, and ziplining. There are many more items on my “yes, I want to try that” list.
All my work/life experiences give me things to draw from for my writing. There are times when I write a lot and times when I let my writing muse rest. Sometimes I just need to do other stuff to re-energize myself. Other stuff like scrapbooking, gardening, crafts, and creating unique art quilts.
What I Write
I am a multi-published author of eight books, including six children’s books in two book series: Blossom and Matilda, and Lucy and Sophia. I have also published two anthologies of relationship stories about mature adults over age 60. And I have compiled five story collections from seniors in the Wichita, Kansas area.