Holiday Memories

I love the winter holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas. The best part about them, for me, is getting together with family and friends. Gifts and cards are usually exchanged, but, in my opinion, not necessary. It is the pleasure of sharing time with those special people that mean the most.

I do take great enjoyment in decorating for Christmas. Okay, over-decorating. But it makes me feel good to see my treasured collections come out each year, and I add to those collections, too. Not that I need to.

Santas, Christmas houses, angels, and goofy animated animals get placed all over our house. It’s so colorful. I’m always a little sad to put them all away after the holidays.

One of my oldest and most loved part of the decorations is my much-loved-as-a-child Coca-Cola Santa that I got in 1958. He’s an antique, which really sounds weird to me. Does that make me an antique? I don’t think so.

Have a wonderful holiday season and enjoy time or memories with the special people in your life.

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