Let's Do This: blog
Blog Posts
WORDS: friend – chocolate – gopher – sneeze – thorn Godfrey loved, loved, loved chocolate. Not that he would ever, ever, ever tell anyone—especially his
Her Annual Nightmare
WORDS: ghost – bacon – turkey – growl – corn Thanksgiving had turned into Abby’s worst nightmare. She looked forward to it from January 1—after
Curiosity Got the Best of Her
WORDS TO USE: pianist – chili – bird – echo – flower – accountant – cheese – deer – gasp – weed (July) Ellie Robin sat
Stubborn Female
WORDS TO USE: singer – casserole – moose – shout – rose It was mid-September in Rocky Mountain National Park. The thick stand of aspens along
Not Always a Prize Worth Fighting Over
WORDS TO USE: reporter – enchiladas – rabbit – whisper – dandelion They called him “The Rabbit Whisperer.” Whenever Horace walked in the nearby park—or

Ah, to be a writer
Haunted by characters demanding to have life Dialogue swirling in your head Settings flashing before your eyes Conflict churning in your gut Dreams, night
Writing Exercises
Midnight Contemplation
This is a writing exercise using the words juggler, pizza, possum, doorbell, and pine tree. Patricia sat cross-legged in front of the still Christmas decorated
Dreams of a Rambling Man
This is part of a writing exercise using the words: ramble – radish – rhinoceros – rug – red. Reggie rambled about in his
Momma’s Helper
An exercise using the words gallivant, gorilla, gingerbread, garage, and gray. “What’cha doing, Momma?” Nikki asked as she skipped into the kitchen, clutching her much-loved, well-worn gorilla.
Learning the Hard Way
POETRY PROMPT: Write about a car trip. Everything had seemed to go perfectly when she left home. Then her first drink of the day from

WRITING PROMPT: Write about a family vacation. Her family was preparing to go on a vacation. Mom and Dad were scurrying around to make sure
WORDS TO USE: picture – cinnamon – snake – gloves – squishy Aggie scrunched her nose and studied the picture in her new book.